How SaaS Founders Can Use Social Media for Explosive SaaS Growth


Hugo P.

saas social media growth
saas social media growth
saas social media growth

In today's digital era, SaaS social media strategies are not an option but an absolute need for growth and engagement with your customers. This can be made possible through the implementation of the right strategies to amplify your brand, engage your target audience, and inspire tremendous growth for your business in the SaaS industry.

My First Success: The Magic of Social Media Applied

A few years ago, I decided to start my first B2C SaaS product with really minimal resources. Everything was working against me: no big marketing budget, no proper SEO strategy, no highly connected industry network. Still, this SaaS product managed to bring in €20k in the first month alone. How? The answer is effective social media usage.

This pressing need for a simple tool in the post-COVID-19 GPU shortage inspired me, and by utilizing X (Twitter at that time), Instagram, Discord, YouTube, and partnerships with micro-influencers on social media, highly targeted audiences desperate for a solution were reached. One viral video later and a few strategic posts, this SaaS took off beyond my wildest expectations.

Source: Google Analytics - This is the Google Analytics chart at the launch of my B2C SaaS (French market).

During the journey, it hit me pretty strongly the power of social media. It wasn't just the launch that benefited from social media, but I was able to keep the momentum growing because I had maintained an active presence on it. Consistent engagement and a well-thought-through content strategy allowed me to maintain the interest in my offerings, attract new customers, and retain loyal users.

This showed me the great potential that social media possesses for scaling a SaaS business quickly and at low cost. That is why I've decided to create I strongly believe that if SaaS founders have the right tools and strategies, they will maximize their chance to achieve similar or even greater achievements.

In this article, I will tell you why it is crucial to become present on social media with your SaaS right from the very beginning, what my strategies were, and the things I learned.

Why Social Media is Essential for SaaS Growth

Social media platforms boast billions of users worldwide, therefore; they are an unmatched opportunity for SaaS companies to increase their potential customers. Here's why social media should form the cornerstone of your marketing strategy:

  • Building Brand Awareness: Regular posting keeps your SaaS top-of-mind for potential customers.

  • Engage with Your Audience: On social media, you have the power to speak directly to them in a way that can build trust and loyalty.

  • Generate Leads: Targeted content will drive qualified leads with interest in your SaaS solution.


In my case, social media was the turning point that transformed a small idea into a revenue-fetching "success" story. It provided the ability to reach and engage an audience without any significant upfront investment.

Top Strategies for Dominating SaaS Social Media Marketing in 2024

1. Identify and Understand Your Target Audience

It's crucial to know who you are talking to before devising your strategy on social media. To do that, create detailed buyer personas that outline the needs of your ideal customers, their challenges, and their online behaviors. This will help you create content that actually strikes a chord.

If you focus on a niche-and I really recommend starting doing so, that's an awfully simple exercise so don't spend too much time on it.

2. Pick the Right Platforms

Avoid falling into the cliché of thinking, "I have a SaaS company, and therefore I am going to focus only on LinkedIn." Sure, LinkedIn is excellent for professional networking and B2B connections, but thinking broader will all make the difference in scaling your SaaS successfully. Social media is not divided by industry type - everyone uses it, whether it is for work or personal reasons. Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, and Discord are just as necessary for B2B companies, though these have conventionally been considered B2C platforms.

Here's how you can leverage different platforms:

  • LinkedIn: It will work perfect for professional networking, thought leadership, sharing of industry insights. It's a go-to for B2B but can also be used for brand building.

  • X (Twitter) & Threads: Best for real-time updates, news publishing, and engaging in industry conversations. This is where thought leadership lives and can even occur at a very rapid clip.

  • Instagram, TikTok & Facebook: These platforms represent your best avenue for visual storytelling, augmented by your audience interacting with your brand via short-form video content. From product updates, team culture to use cases, B2B firms can do really well here while making the brand more relatable and human.

  • Reddit & Discord: It is excellent for building communities in niches. Both do support deep discussions, answer user queries, and help to fetch feedback.

Source: Clutch

The trick is in knowing that your audience is literally everywhere, not just on LinkedIn. And using tools like will make it seamless to scale across several channels. Each channel has remarkable strengths, and this allows you to be consistent while tapping into those strengths.

3. Develop Captivating, Superb Content

The thumb rule on social media is that content is king. Vary your form of content to avoid being monotonous and retain the interest of your audience. Here are some of the different forms of content you could achieve for your SaaS social media:

  • Educative: Posts that educate your audience regarding certain topics.

  • Quotes: Share inspiring or thought-provoking quotes relevant to your industry.

  • Q&A: Address common questions that your customers may have.

  • Use-Cases: Highlight scenarios where your SaaS provides effective solutions.

  • Product Updates: Inform your audience about features or improvements.

  • Reviews: Share testimonials from customers.

  • Celebrations: Mark achievements or milestone occasions for your brand to seem more human.

  • Listicles: Provide tips or insight in lists.

  • Short Videos/Reels: Offer short, interactive videos for TikTok or Instagram.

Source: Instragram and post generated by

By mixing these content types, you will meet different audience preferences and keep your social media presence fresh and engaging. This multiplicity in different types of content would have helped in sustaining interest and sharing from its users when I launched my first SaaS.

4. Use a Content Calendar

Consistency is the key with social media marketing, though the frequency of posting does tend to vary with different platforms. A well-organized content calendar will help you prepare and schedule posts in advance to maintain a steady online presence without causing fatigue to your audience.

Three postings in a week work for most platforms. You remain visible while at the same time not overwhelming the audience. In any case, the frequency should be adjusted according to the platform:

  • LinkedIn: One or two posts a week would generally work fine for professional networking, with higher regard for quality.

  • Twitter: Three to five posts a week will help you show up within fast-moving conversations.

  • Instagram & TikTok: This platform is about optimum posting, doing 2-3 posts a week for visual and short-form videos.

  • Discord & Reddit: These sites are more about active participation versus regular posting. Use it to discuss, reply to users, and be involved with your community.

Source: - Calendar posting

I found it a bit more difficult to keep consistent, because it was really easy to miss posting opportunities and lose momentum without the content calendar. Automate your social media posting and maintain your consistency with the help of a tool.

5. Engage with Your Community

Social media goes both ways. Responding to comments, discussion participation, and engaging in other people's posts on social media creates a loyal community around your brand.

Source: Reddit analytics

Content creation is not enough in social media; a brand needs to be part of the community. For me, engaging users around posts-via Instagram, Reddit, Youtube, Discord, …-extended reach for my SaaS and created closer relations with users.

6. Take Advantage of Influencer Partnerships

Partnering with influencers will pave the way for reaching more people. Don't disregard micro-influencers in your niche as they tend to have super-engaged audiences that drive higher returns on investment.

For example, collaborating with a small German Instagram influencer cost me only €100 and brought 20,000 website visits from one reel. That showed me that you don't need to work with big influencers to get such great results. Meanwhile, I spent way more euros for bigger influencers and got not even half of what he brought.

7. Use Paid Advertising Wisely

While organic growth is critical and important, paid advertising can really speed things up. But use it judiciously to avoid wasting precious resources:

  • Start Small: Spend a little to learn what works.

  • Target Carefully: Most platforms will give you pretty decent tools for finding the right people; use them.

  • Monitor Performance: Routinely assess how ads are performing and optimize as necessary.

Paid advertisements are not advised in the beginning. Do organic first, since then one can get some idea about what works with the audience. When you go for paid advertisement, amplify content that has already proved successful organically.

I started paid advertising 3 months after the launching of SaaS.

8. Analyze and Optimize Performance

Continuous monitoring of your social media performance will help improve over time. Make sure to utilize various analytics tools in keeping tabs on the most important metrics: engagement, reach, and conversion.

Source: - analytics dashboard

By having a keen eye on your metrics, you can clearly see what works and what doesn't; hence, the possibility of adjusting your strategy where needed. This was important for me on my journey to ensure sustained growth.

How Can Help You Achieve Social Media Success

Inspired by this "success", I realized that most founders of SaaS can achieve similar or better results, provided they have the right tools and strategy in place. That is why I developed a platform designed to make social media marketing easier and automated for SaaS companies.

I can attest to the fact that managing social media and running a business is no small undertaking. Creating, then scheduling posts, maintaining consistency across multiple platforms-this was one of the most time-consuming activities that I often grappled with in my journey. Nowadays, at, I help other SaaS founders avoid such pitfalls, letting them focus on what they're good at-developing their product-while we handle all the complexity that comes with social media. can help you achieve that through the following ways:

  • Auto-generate content: can provide engaging content for your SaaS with different visually attractive templates. Whether it be creating a knowledge base post, use case, or announcement of the launch of your product, this platform can draft content to fit your brand's voice and resonate with your target audience.

  • Schedule Your Posts: gives you the opportunity to schedule a posting plan across multiple social media platforms with the convenience of automation so that all your social media networks look busy, regularly updated.

  • Suggest Relevant Content: Remain relevant with the content ideas generated based on industry news, emerging trends, and features unique to your SaaS. This will help keep your posts timely and engaging in building trust and authority in your market.

  • Show your analytics: A very important part is to make sure you are on track and doing the right strategy.

Leverage and ensure your social media is not an afterthought, but one of your consistent, clear channels of marketing. Automation will do the heavy lifting for you to be scaled and found while you create the product, get customers, and scale up the business and show professional activity on social media.

Through personal experience, I have learned just how important the continuity is online. With, I have created something that will help you build the same continuity so that your SaaS grows organically while saving your time and resources in the process.

You can get started for free now:


This will, in return, drive your business in ways you never imagined. Through my experience, social media marketing really accelerated the pace of my SaaS business by knowing the audience, choosing the proper platforms, creating various content, consistency, engaging with the community, using influencers, running paid ads wisely, and analyzing performance. helps you on this journey, giving you simplified and automated processes of your social media so that you may obtain the same successes without the overwhelming workload.

Next Steps

Want to take your SaaS social media marketing to the next level? Try and start automating your social media content.